Coaching Academy
Become a certified coach
Vision coach
7 month Commitment
$7495 Investment
Learn the foundation and principles of Session 5, The Visionators Curriculum, the S5 Whiteboard Coaching Method, and other principles and best practices of one on one coaching
Earn money by leading your own Visionators groups
This is for people who want to join the S5 community as official S5 coaches who lead S5 Visionators group and offer 1on1 coaching through Session 5
Whiteboard method
3 month Commitment
$3975 Investment
Learn the S5 White Coaching Method- a unique, extensive coaching experience designed to
Learn other principles and best practices of one on one coaching
This is for people are who are new to or currently offer one on one coaching and want develop more skills and tools for coaching. As a certified coach on this track you will be able to take the whiteboard method and offer it as your own.
Session 5 Coaching Academy
Coaching Academy 2023
Become a certified coach with Session 5
Join the coaching academy 50% off!
Sign up today, coaching academy will begin January 2024